La primavera ha arribat, mentre tots estàvem confinats per la pandèmia de Covid19, i ara que ja podem començar a sortir mica en mica. La primera sensació al veure el pati de l’Escola l’Espill ha estat una explosió de color i primavera!
Spring has arrived, while we were all confined by the pandemic of Covid19, and now that we can start to come out little by little. The first sensation when seeing the courtyard of the Escola Espill has been an explosion of color and spring!
La varietat de plantes i flors que hi han, i que han arribat a créixer al seu aire aquests dies que les petites mans dels alumnes no han pogut tocar, ha estat molt variada…
The variety of plants and flowers that are there, and that have grown in their air these days that the little hands of the students have not been able to touch, has been very varied…
Han crescut molt, i han omplert de color els espais on estan plantats. Quina llàstima que els alumnes de l’Escola l’Espill no ho han pogut veure, però aquí els en deixo un recull de les plantes del seus jardins.
They have grown a lot, and have filled the spaces with color where they are planted. What a pity that the students of the Escola l’Espill have not been able to see it, but here I leave them a collection of plants from their gardens.
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